Wanna get that blue tick on your Instagram Account? Instagram opens its verification process to all users; Here's how you can apply.

Following parent-company Facebook's lead, Instagram has this week announced a new set of tools designed to help users get a better understanding of who, exactly is behind influential Instagram accounts, while also providing a new option for users to log-in via third party authenticator apps.

So far Instagram's verified badge has been limited to accounts of public figures, celebrities and brands, but now Instagram has opened its verification process to all users. Earlier getting Instagram verified badge was a difficult task because workteam at Instagram evaluates your account for "authenticity, uniqueness, completeness and notability" but now this process has been made easier, hence its reach will be larger than before. But still it is not easy to get the blue tick or verified status on your account, there are many conditions that are laid down by Instagram which need to be fulfilled to be eligible for verification process.


Go to your profile on Instagram and open the Settings menu.

Scroll down to the bottom and select "Request Verification".

To initiate the process, you will need to provide your account username, your full name, and a copy of your legal or business identification.

After providing all the details hit send.

Instagram has promised that this information will not be shared publicly.

Once your request have been reviewed, you will receive a notification confirming or declining it. Do note,"Submitting a request for verification does not guarentee that your account will be verified". Instagram will never request payment for verification or reach out to ask you to confirm your verification.

You'd think that would open up the platform to a flood of verification requests, but it's likely that Instagram has an automated filter in place to sift the applications from profiles which simply don't meet the key criteria. In other words, if you apply and you're nowhere near meeting the qualification standards, that rejection message you get will most likely be automated. No real person will even review your info.

Along with the verification requests, Instagram has also made other announcements.


Along with verification requests, the other major tool which Instagram announced was new "About This Account" through which users will be able to evaluate the authenticity of accounts, by seeing from where the account is running, the country where the account is located, username in the past year as well as other details.

And the last new addition is the capacity for people to use third-party authenticator apps log-in to the platform. Authenticator apps add another layer of security - Instagram added support for two factor authentication last year, and this new process provides another way for users to better secure their log-in details.

"To use a third party app to log into your Instagram account, go to your profile, tap the menu icon, select "Settings"at the bottom and then choose"Two- Factor Authentication". Select "Authentication App" as your preferred form of authentication. If you already have an authentication app installed, we will automatically find the app and send a login code to it. Go to the app, retrieve the code and enter it on Instagram, and two-factor authentication will turn on automatically".

"Keeping people with bad intentions off our platform is incredibly important, that means trying to make sure the people you follow and the accounts you interact with are who they are and stopping bad actors before they cause farm", Instagram co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Mike Kriger said.

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